Disaster Risk Reduction

As climate-related disasters become more frequent and severe, humanitarian organizations are integrating disaster risk reduction (DRR) into their response efforts to strengthen resilience and protect vulnerable communities. In line with Commitment 1 of the Climate and Environment Charter, this collection of tools and resources is designed to support organizations in understanding and scaling up their efforts to help people adapt to the impacts of the climate and environmental crises.

From risk assessment frameworks to trainings on inclusive climate adaptation and DRR strategies, these resources provide practical guidance for Charter signatories to incorporate DRR into their work, bridging the gap between immediate response and long-term resilience.

You can navigate this guidance page by exploring tools, guides, trainings, and other resources based on the following categories:

  • Disaster Risk Reduction 101 – Introductory Resources: includes resources that provide introductory frameworks, terminologies, and learning material on DRR in humanitarian contexts
  • Training and Learning Opportunities: includes recorded webinars, online trainings or self-paced courses related to DRR, climate, and humanitarian action
  • Technical Resources – Guides: includes frameworks and other technical resources specifically designed to guide humanitarian organizations in implementing and mainstreaming DRR broadly into their programming
  • Technical Resources – Tools: includes technical tools specifically designed for humanitarian organizations to use in implementing DRR broadly into their programming
  • Engagement Opportunities: includes working groups, networks, and communities of practice for knowledge sharing and collaboration on DRR in humanitarian contexts
  • Case studies: includes examples of lessons learned and best practices from implementing DRR in the humanitarian sector.

Use the buttons below to navigate through these resources.

Disaster Risk Reduction

DRR 101 - Introductory Resources

UNDRR: An Overview of Disaster Risk Reduction in Humanitarian Action
UNDRR is the lead agency within the United Nations system for the coordination of disaster risk reduction and supports national and international actors to generate robust evidence, innovation, and good practices for risk-informed decision-making. UNDRR’s support to the humanitarian sector includes:

  1. Improved risk analysis
  2. Use of DRR knowledge and tools for prioritization and planning
  3. Anticipatory action and early warning
  4. Addressing challenges related to disaster displacement

UNDRR maintains a glossary of Disaster Risk Reduction Terminology, where you will find basic definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public, authorities and practitioners.

Languages: English, Arabic
Access: Free

Sphere Thematic Sheet: Disaster Risk Reduction
The Sphere Handbook, is one of the most widely known and internationally recognised set of humanitarian principles and minimum standards. This resource supports humanitarian practitioners implementing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities while keeping a standard-based approach in mind. It gives a brief overview of the concept of DRR and explores the mutual relevance of SPHERE and DRR activities.

Languages: English, Spanish
Access: Free

SEEDS Handbook on Community Based Disaster Preparedness
SEEDS (Sustainable Environment and Ecological Development Society) is a not-for-profit organisation that enables community resilience through practical solutions in the areas of disaster readiness, response and rehabilitation. This handbook acts as a framework and knowledge base for the establishment of community-level disaster management task forces.

Languages: English
Access: Free

IFRC, ICRC, Climate Centre, German Red Cross: Navigating Fragility, Conflict and Violence to strengthen community resilience: A handbook for DRR practitioners
This handbook was created for practitioners working on community-based DRR in contexts of FCV. It is a comprehensive collection of guidance, approaches and tools and can serve as a reference to contextualize and support current and future programming. It is primarily designed for staff and volunteers of the Movement and is thus aligned with one of the key manuals, the Road Map to Community Resilience by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

Languages: English, Arabic, French and Spanish.
Access: Free

Training and Learning Opportunities

UNDRR Risk Analysis in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle
This course provides an overview of the importance of risk analysis and the application of a forward-looking approach and evidence-based analysis during the Humanitarian Programme Cycles and the development of Humanitarian Needs Overviews and Humanitarian Needs Response Plans.

Languages: English
Access: Free

RedR UK Training (various)
RedR UK offers innovative, high-quality online training courses aiming to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to respond to and advocate for improved action around climate change and disaster risk reduction. Sign up for the RedR newsletter to get the latest on upcoming training courses.

Languages: English
Access: Free access to Charter Signatories with code: Climate_Charter

DisasterReady Courses
DisasterReady.org is an online learning platform built to better prepare humanitarian and development professionals for the critical work they do by providing online learning, including on Disaster Risk Reduction. The platform provides various methods for learning, including short and accessible videos, guidance notes, and interactive games.

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic
Access: Free access upon creating an account

CARE – Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) and Impactful Civil Society Engagement 
The CARE Climate and Resilience Academy is an online learning platform and capacity-sharing initiative run by the CARE Climate Justice Center and supported by CARE experts. Its main objective is to increase humanitarian and development practitioners’ capacities to integrate climate change and adaptation in programs and policies, thereby increasing the resilience of most vulnerable people to climate-related risks. This course introduce CDRFI and its surrounding political processes. It presents conceptual and policy frameworks, shows practical approaches, and demonstrates integration into national policies and advocacy strategies at the national, regional, and international levels. Additionally, it provides insights on CSO engagement and advocacy strategies at all levels, highlighting the benefits, limitations, and challenges of CDRFI solutions.

Language: English
Access: Free access to self-paced courses, learning journeys, and training packs with creation of account. For customized trainings, please contact Diana Kaekebeke at kaekebeke@carenederland.org. You can also copy climateandresilience-academy@carenederland.org

CARE Climate and Resilience Academy – Courses on the Green Climate Fund 
CARE offers courses on the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which is the world’s largest climate fund and a critical element of the historic Paris Agreement. It is mandated to support developing countries raise and realize the ambition of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) towards low-emissions, climate-resilient pathways. These two courses help you gain a better understanding of the GCF, its structures, and approach to CSO engagements, as well as provide insights into the different aspects of GCF project proposals, key considerations (including gender) when developing and implementing GCF projects, and the role of CSOs in accessing the GCF and project design.

Languages: English, French, Arabic
Access: Free access to self-paced courses, learning journeys, and training packs with creation of account. For customized trainings, please contact Diana Kaekebeke at kaekebeke@carenederland.org. You can also copy climateandresilience-academy@carenederland.org

Stop Disasters! Simulation
This online game teaches adults and children how to build safer villages and cities against disasters. Users learn through playing how the location and the construction materials of houses make a difference when disasters strike and how early warning systems, evacuation plans and education save lives.

Languages: English, Chinese, FrenchRussian and Spanish.
Access: Free Access

Technical Resources: Guides

CARE Climate Resilience Academy Resources
1) Landscape Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction in 7 Steps

This guide synthesises the main characteristics of the landscape approach and suggests seven steps when adopting a landscape approach. For disaster risk reduction purposes, the approach facilitates an inclusive and participatory learning process for shared risk understanding and risk intervention scenario planning. An inclusive and participatory process allows for more innovative and integrated, and therefore more impactful, solutions to risk (e.g. ecosystem-based or hybrid measures and optimised initiatives on water governance as part of disaster risk management strategies and investments).

2) Practical Guide to Participatory Scenario Planning
Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) for seasonal climate forecast decision making is an approach to collaborative design and delivery of seasonal user-centred climate information services developed by CARE International’s Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP)

3) CARE Climate Justice Center – Integrating Gender into DRR and Adaptation
Produced by CARE International in Vietnam, UN Women in Viet Nam and GIZ, ‘Making It Count’ offers practical questions, actions, tools and resources for integrating gender into climate change and disaster risk reduction interventions. It is designed to be an easily accessible entry point for practitioners, and was created through several consultations with multiple stakeholders, including members of Vietnam’s Climate Change Working Group, and other experts with experience in climate change and gender. Whilst it is Vietnam focused, most elements can also be useful for both government and non-government actors around the world

Languages: English, French, Vietnamese
Access: Free

IFRC Guide to Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
This guide has been developed to specifically support Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and IFRC staff to more systematically integrate risk reduction measures into their planning. By describing in detail what key issues need to be considered and when, this guidance aims at ensuring that risk reduction measures are taken into account in different sectors and contexts. It also details the key elements that need to be in place to create an enabling environment.

Languages: English
Access: Free; Designed for Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

Tearfund – Thinking Beyond Response
This guide gives users in an emergency context an overview of the common gaps in achieving environmental and economic sustainability (EES) and provides a quick reference to existing tools for addressing those gaps in humanitarian interventions. It advises field staff on how to respond to a humanitarian crisis, prepare a response, or develop a longer-term disaster risk reduction project.

Languages: English, French
Access: Free

The Climate Centre’s Minimum Standards for Local Climate-Smart DRR
The Minimum Standards for local climate‐smart disaster risk reduction were developed as a practical checklist to help local community leaders and DRR practitioners ensure their risk reduction efforts are climate‐smart and contribute to climate change adaptation, meaning that these efforts consider the future risk patterns induced by a changing climate, often including rising uncertainties. Each Minimum Standard is supported by practical ‘actions’ to guide implementation.

Languages: English
Access: Free Access; Designed for Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

Center for Disaster Preparedness Learning Hub
The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) provides capacity building opportunities disaster prevention and mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, and rehabilitation and recovery. They provide a range of resources specifically aimed at supporting marginalised populations such as:

Languages: English
Access: Free

UN Women Resources on Climate and Environment
UN Women prepares research and technical papers to bring attention to gender issues and the inclusion of gender-specific and gender-responsive climate and environmental action. They have published a series of resources relevant for humanitarian organizations interested in integrating gender into disaster management, including:

Languages: English, Spanish, French
Access: Free

AIDMI Resources on DRR and Extreme Heat
The All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) works towards promoting Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation to climate change risk by supporting, capturing, processing, and disseminating disaster-related information, lessons, and innovative ideas, as well as conducting stakeholder round tables, capability training of trainers, reviews and reflections, evaluations and impact studies, and pilot or demonstration projects with the citizens are in the centre. As part of this work, AIDMI has increased their focus on DRR for extreme heat, and have produced a variety of resources on this theme.

Languages: English
Access: Free

Technical Resources: Tools

Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction Integration Guidance (CEDRIG)
CEDRIG is a practical and user friendly tool developed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is meant to systematically integrate climate, environment and disaster risk reduction (DRR) into development cooperation and humanitarian aid in order to enhance the overall resilience of systems and communities. CEDRIG is divided into 3 parts: CEDRIG Light will help you to decide whether a detailed risk and impact assessment must be conducted or not. In case of a ‘yes’, CEDRIG Strategic will help you to analyze strategies and programs, while CEDRIG Operational will be applied for projects. The website also includes case studies of CEDRIG.

Languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian
Access: Free

UNESCAP Decision Support System (DSS)
A decision support system (DSS) is an information system that supports business or organizational decision-making activities. This specific DSS of the Risk and Resilience Portal can perform contextual analysis of variety of hazard, risk and vulnerability data, historical disaster losses, socio-economic information and present the output by indicators in an intuitive manner. All this complex analysis is not exposed to the users, so the users can just focus on the output of DSS and facilitate informed decision making. The portal also includes a number of country profiles with data on disasters/ hazards and adaptation priorities

Languages: English
Access: Free

The INFORM Risk Index
The INFORM Risk Index is a global, open-source risk assessment for humanitarian crises and disasters. It can support decisions about prevention, preparedness and response. INFORM is developing a suite of quantitative, analytical products to support decision-making on humanitarian crises and disasters/ These help make decisions at different stages of the disaster management cycle, specifically climate adaptation and disaster prevention, preparedness and response.

Languages: English
Access: Free and Open-Source

Climate Resilience Measurement for Communities (CRMC)
The CRMC is a data-driven process, complemented by a web-based tool and mobile app, which helps communities to evaluate and measure how resilient they are to climate hazards. Using the results, they can identify and implement DRR / resilience-building interventions and run additional measurements to track improvements. The Climate Resilience Alliance provides guidance on applying the framework, information about methodology and supporting research, and testimonials from practitioners using it with communities. To learn more about the CRMC and find out how it can add value to your programs, please read and fill in the interest form, get in touch here: info@floodresilience.net

Language: English
Access: Request access through the interest form or by emailing info@floodresilience.net

Engagement Opportunities

UNDRR Task Team on DRR in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts
The Task Team is an informal, multi-partner group focused on advancing DRR integration in humanitarian and fragile contexts. The Task Team promotes risk-informed programming and works to strengthen collaboration on DRR across humanitarian, development, and peace actions. The Task Team meets online on a quarterly basis.

Languages: English
Access: To join the Task Force, please contact Emilia Wahlstrom: wahlstrom@un.org

Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction (GNDR)
GNDR is the largest international network of civil society organisations working together to strengthen the resilience of communities most at risk of disasters. Member organisations connect and collaborate, benefit from capacity strengthening opportunities, implement our global projects, and get involved in research and advocacy initiatives.

Languages: English, French, Spanish
Access: Open to GNDR members. GNDR is free to join.

IFRC Regional Reference Centres
Reference centres provide specialized knowledge and services to members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. There are many based all around the world, each offering expertise on specific humanitarian and development issues, including on Disaster Risk Reduction. These references centres include:

Languages: Various
Access: Access available for Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

Asian Disaster Reduction & Response Network (ADRRN)
The Asian Disaster Reduction & Response Network (ADRRN) is a network of national civil society organizations across the Asia- Pacific region. Today it is known as the ‘Civil Society Voice of Asia.’ ADRRN exemplifies the able spirit of southern leadership, the effectiveness of regional collaboration and the power of civil society. It puts local people at the center of its work. ADRRN facilitates a number of regional, technical hubs related to DRR, such as the Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Hub and the Localization Hub.

Languages: English
Access: Membership through application

InsuResilience Global Partnership
The Partnership aims to strengthen the resilience of developing countries and protect the lives and livelihoods of poor and vulnerable people against the impacts of disasters through Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance solutions. The InsuResilience Global Partnership supports implementing programmes and projects related to Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI).

Languages: English
Access: Membership (through application) in the InsuResilience Global Partnership is open to all application, including private sector (insurers, reinsurers, etc.), multilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and V20 and G20+ countries.

Case Studies

Voices of Resilience: A Multisectoral Approach to Combatting the Hunger Crisis to Drought-Affected Communities in Somalia 2023
This booklet is a powerful compilation of success stories that highlight Save the Children Somalia Integrated Program’s significant role in combating hunger crises in Somalia. Each narrative underscores the program’s transformative influence on children and families, demonstrating how multi-sectoral interventions are crucial to mitigating the consequences of food scarcity and malnutrition.

Language: English
Access: Free

UN Women Review of gender-responsiveness and disability-inclusion in disaster risk reduction in Asia and the Pacific
This report includes an assessment of the extent to which progress towards the targets of the Sendai Framework has been gender-responsive and disability-inclusive. The assessment guiding research question was: “how do selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region identify and address diverse needs of disadvantaged groups, characterised by sex, age, and disability, in the context of disaster risk reduction?” By addressing this question, this report creates a baseline to monitor national and regional progress towards gender equality and social inclusion in disaster risk reduction.

Languages: English
Access: Free

Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, Somalia
Humanitarian response plans (HRPs) are required for any humanitarian crisis requiring the support of more than one agency, and are prepared by humanitarian country teams (HCTs) based on a humanitarian needs overview. In-depth guidance and templates are available, as well as a collection of tools and best practice. Many of these Response Plans, particularly in protracted crises, include elements of DRR. The Somalia HRP includes risk-informed planning and preparedness to flood and droughts, as well as DRR-integrated programming in a variety of sectors, including Food Security, Health, Cash, Shelter and WASH.

Language: English
Access: Free

Do you have a resource to contribute to the sector? If so, please email us at secretariat@climate-charter.org