Antigua and Barbuda Red Cross Society

الجهات الموقّعة:

Approval of the ABCS Climate Change and Adaptation Policy (Completed October 2024).
Sign a MOU with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with clear goals that target environmental sustainability, tree preservation, tree planting exercises, and awareness campaigns (by January 2025).
Enhance our National Society’s Sustainable Supply Chain Practices through:
  • Green Procurement: Choose suppliers and products that prioritize sustainability, such as eco-friendly packaging, sustainable sourcing, and low-carbon manufacturing.
  • Local Sourcing: Where feasible, source materials, food, and supplies locally to reduce transportation emissions and support local economies.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Implement practices to minimize waste by encouraging the use of reusable goods and recycling materials where possible. Reduce single-use plastics and packaging in operations.
  • Digitization of Operations (Ongoing)
  • Paperless Systems: Promote the use of digital documentation and reduce paper usage in administrative and operational processes.
  • Virtual Training & Meetings: Conduct more meetings, trainings, and workshops online to reduce the need for travel.
  • Optimize the NSs digital platform (by end of 2025)
Disaster Preparedness with Sustainability in Mind (Ongoing with the Environmental Division)
Climate-Resilient Infrastructure: Ensure that disaster response efforts include climate-resilient infrastructure that minimizes carbon emissions in the long term, such as building low-carbon shelters and promoting green construction practices.
Retrofit existing offices, warehouses, and disaster response facilities with energy-efficient technologies (LED lighting, energy-efficient HVAC systems, solar panels, etc.) by end of 2025
Community-Based Education: Educate communities on climate change adaptation strategies and promote sustainable practices (e.g., water conservation, waste management, sustainable farming) to reduce local carbon footprints.